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Manufacturing Day

The 11th annual MFG Day will be held Sept. 30-Oct 4, 2024, in Macomb County.

Manufacturing Day

MFG Day/Week Sept. 30-Oct 4, 2024

Manufacturing Day logo

What is Manufacturing Day? It is a national day in which high school students can learn about modern-day manufacturing, career options and more. Students are able to visit a local facility and envision their future careers. They can connect current classroom learning to on-the-job skills. Careers in manufacturing today are much different than years ago. Today, the manufacturing industry utilizes technology to create and build the latest and greatest products.

The 2024 goal for the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD) in conjunction with the Macomb County Department of Planning and Economic Development (MCPED), is to have more than 2,000 students from all 27 high schools in Macomb County participate in Manufacturing Day. 

MFG Day host site

We are looking for host sites in modern manufacturing facilities to offer 90-120 minute tours and showcase the different types of careers offered. Groups of 30 or less chaperoned students will be touring local manufacturing sites. We can provide ideas for making every tour a success, with a virtual Q&A session as well as an orientation breakfast in September to match host sites with visiting schools. We will walk you through the process. The deadline to sign up as a host site is July 31, 2024.

Sponsorship available

MFG Day in Macomb County is made possible through the support of many community partners. Aside from educators who organize school trips and the forward-thinking manufacturers who open their doors, we also rely on sponsorship dollars to offset expenses associated with this event. Please note that there is a limited number of sponsorship opportunities available. The deadline to become a sponsor is July 31, 2024.

Here are the sponsorship options:

  • Company logo featured on
  • Company logo prominently displayed on t-shirts to be distributed to 2,000 MFG participants.
  • First acknowledgment as a sponsor in all related press releases.
  • Company logo prominently displayed in program materials for participants and their families.
  • 20 t-shirts for your team.

  • Company logo featured on
  • Company logo featured on t-shirts to be distributed to 2,000 MFG participants.
  • Sponsorship acknowledgment in all related press releases. 
  • Company logo included in program materials for participants and their families.
  • 10 t-shirts for your team.

  • Company name acknowledged on
  • Company name acknowledged in program materials, which will be distributed to participants and their families.
  • Five t-shirts for your team.

Contributor sponsor level


Jennifer Weot

Contact us

Jennifer Weot

Senior Outreach Specialist

Call: 586-469-6565