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Great Lakes Education Program

The Great Lakes Education Program introduces fourth-grade students to the uniqueness of the Great Lakes via the classroom and hands-on experience.

Picture of students at a Great Lakes Education Program event

The Great Lakes Education Program (GLEP) introduces fourth-grade students to the unique features of the Great Lakes through a combination of classroom learning and hands-on experience. The program is designed to stimulate interest in the Great Lakes and help students understand their role in protecting these vital freshwater resources.

More than 115,000 students, teachers, adult chaperones and volunteers in southeast Michigan have participated in the Great Lakes Education Program since it began in 1991. GLEP can be adapted to meet the needs of K-12 and college classes.


Educational relevance

The Great Lakes Education Program is part of an approved science curriculum for fourth-grade students and addresses an important need. Studies have shown that fourth grade students in Michigan generally have little understanding of the Great Lakes and local water resources. GLEP helps bridge this gap and prepare students for their roles as future decision-makers responsible for the state's natural resources.

For more information, visit the Great Lakes Education Program website.