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Communicable Disease (CD) Surveillance Program

The Communicable Disease (CD) Surveillance Program investigates reports of infectious diseases in Macomb County to monitor the health of the community.

Notifying outbreaks

Prompt notification protects individuals and the community by providing a link to these important program activities:

  • Identify outbreaks and epidemics to initiate investigation and implementation of measures to control the spread of disease.
  • Enable preventive treatment and/or provide education on disease transmission and prevention.
  • Identify needs, target prevention programs, and evaluate prevention and control efforts.

Reporting diseases

The program relies on timely mandated reporting of both diagnosed and suspected communicable diseases by physicians, health care providers, and laboratories. 

Communicable disease reporting is expressly allowed under HIPAA and required by Michigan Public Act 368 of 1978, 333.5111

Reporting diseases: Laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes, or physicians who need to report a disease may report via one of the contact methods located at the bottom of the page.

School and childcare weekly disease reporting

The Weekly School and Childcare Communicable Disease Reporting System is an important way for the Macomb County Health Department to monitor and prevent outbreaks of disease in our schools and childcare centers.  Disease prevention and control efforts depend on each facility's participation in the reporting process; continued commitment to complete reporting will assist public health in controlling communicable diseases in the community.

Reporting is also mandated according to Public Act 368, of 1978 as amended.

How to report: The Macomb County Health Department implemented an online reporting system to replace the paper Weekly Report of Communicable Disease to Local Health Department Form.  The program does not accept paper reports.

             Enter and submit the Weekly School and Childcare Report.

Submit Online Report

             Instructions -For guidance on how to use the online reporting system.

K-12 school COVID-19 daily reporting

In addition to the weekly report of diseases, K-12 Schools must report aggregate counts for new COVID-19 cases (staff and students) on a daily basis to fulfill communicable disease reporting requirements.

  • Instructions - For guidance on how to submit a daily report of COVID-19 cases. Please note, if your district chooses to report positive COVID-19 cases by district, please select “All Buildings” from the school drop-down menu.

Enter and submit the K-12 Daily COVID-19 Report.

Submit Online Report

COVID-19 resources

For additional information or questions, please contact the Communicable Disease program.

Rabies/animal bites/bat exposure

Report all animal bites to the Macomb County Animal Control using the updated form.

Animal Bite Form

Fax the form to 586-783-0906 within 24 hours.  The Animal Shelter will inform the Health Department of all reported bites.  

Call to report any exposure to BATS or oddly behaving raccoons, skunks, or other wildlife to the Macomb County Health Department.

A CD nurse will follow up on animal bites and exposures to determine the risk for rabies, and the potential need for rabies post-exposure vaccinations.

Communicable disease surveillance data

The CD Program compiles the Reportable Diseases Summary Report for each year and monthly year-to-date data.

Reportable Diseases Summary: 2020-2024 May

       2017-2021 annual totals

       2016-2020 annual totals

Other reports are available in the "Communicable Disease Information" section found here.

COVID-19: COVID-19 Summary Dashboard for Macomb County

Communicable disease highlights

Michigan is experiencing an increase in legionellosis cases. Legionnaires’ disease is a serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionella can also cause a milder illness called Pontiac fever. People can get sick when they breathe in a mist or accidentally swallow water into the lungs containing Legionella. Legionellosis is most common in the summer and early fall when warming, stagnant waters are ideal for bacterial growth in water systems.

For more information on Legionnaires’ disease risk and prevention: 

Acute flaccid myelitis is a rare but serious condition emerging across the country since 2014. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and local health departments are thoroughly investigating reports of AFM cases. 

For the most current information, visit CDC - AFM Investigation.

Mosquitoes: Mosquito bites are mostly a nuisance.  Unfortunately, they can also cause serious illness or death when the mosquito carries a disease.  In Macomb County, mosquitoes carry the risk of West Nile Disease.

Travelers to tropical or semi-tropical areas are also at risk for dengue, malaria, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika, all transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.  For destination-specific information, visit the Macomb County Travel page

Protect yourself: Use insect repellent that contains DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535; wear long sleeves and pants when possible, maintain window screens in good condition and eliminate standing water around your home, and use bed netting if the location warrants it, and in malarial areas take prophylaxis before, during, and after your trip. 

If you become ill after traveling, see your doctor and tell them where you traveled.

Ticks: Ticks are known to carry many diseases such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and more.  A person may experience severe symptoms soon after a bite, to significant problems years later if left untreated.  For more information, click here.

Protect yourself: Use insect repellent that contains DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535; wear long sleeves and pants when possible, stay away from brush/leafy areas and stay in the middle of the trail when hiking.  When you get back, inspect yourself and your equipment, remove any ticks immediately, and shower to wash off any unattached ticks.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, especially if you found an attached tick(s) to your body, see your doctor and tell them about the tick:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • Rash
  • Fatigue (feeling very tired)

The seasonal flu vaccine is available in our clinics. It is recommended that all persons age six months and older receive a yearly flu vaccination. Immunization clinic hours vary by location. For more information about the disease, visit the Influenza page.

Community-Associated MRSA Information for the Public will provide up-to-date information on MRSA.  If you have additional questions, please contact us.

Avian Influenza is a viral disease that can affect all bird species and is generally carried by waterfowl (ducks, geese, etc.) that usually do not become ill.  Poultry (chicken, turkey), however, may become very ill and/or die from the "highly pathogenic" types.

Human infections with avian influenza are rare and are more likely to happen when a person has close contact with sick or dead birds.  If you see several sick or dead waterfowl, contact the Michigan Department of Natural Resources at 517-336-5030.  If you have sick or dead poultry, contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) at 800-292-3939.

For more information, see our Avian Influenza fact sheet, or go to the CDC Avian Influenza web page.

Additional resources

Contact Communicable Disease (CD) Surveillance

  • Call: 586-783-8190
  • Email:
  • Fax: 586-493-0075
  • Laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes or physicians who need to report a disease may report by contacting the CD Program using the methods above between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.