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Spring has sprung in Macomb County

This Sunday marks the first day of spring! As the saying I unashamedly took from Bambi’s unsung sequel goes, “The colder the winter, the warmer the spring.” I’ve believed in these words since I was a child, even if Michigan weather sometimes liked to prove me wrong. 

Regardless, we’ve had a pretty frosty winter this year and I’m expecting a brighter future on the horizon. As the warm weather increases and the days become longer, I want to spend less of my time bundled up inside, and more of it having fun outdoors. 

Macomb County has a plethora of fun activities to offer (parks & trailswineries, and breweries) and if you’re interested in growing some greens, Green Macomb’s Tree & Plant Sale is back again this year! Not to mention, if you’re really big into ice cream like I am, Erma’s Original Frozen Custard will finally return in early April!

While all of that is amazing, however, (particularly the Erma’s bit), I specifically want to talk about restaurants with outdoor seating options. Roll your eyes, gasp, or cringe, but I’m actually going to vouch for outdoor patio seating. It’s quite shocking even to myself since I’ve always been against it. Eating outside has always been a no-go for me. The wind can blow your food, and there are bugs!  But today I’m offering you an alternative take on it …

Since 2020, we’ve been stuck inside our homes and lacking in that all-natural Vitamin D that the sun usually provides. Now that it’s 2022, most of us are leaving our houses and catching up with friends and family. I don’t know about you, but I want to be outside and bask in my surroundings. Having been inside for a good chunk of the last two years, I am now quite enthusiastic about feeling the wind on my face, hearing the insects chirping around me, and, you guessed it, eating outside. 

Not only does patio seating give you tons of space, but you’re taking in fresh air. while you enjoy your meal. Something about the experience just feels relaxing. And you don’t have to take my word for it. Instead, try experiencing it for yourself! There are tons of great establishments within Macomb County that will have outdoor seating during the warmer weather. Below is just a partial list:

Did I perhaps convince you yet? I hope so! What other great places are there in Macomb to eat outdoors? Let us know!


Rachel Dearing works for Macomb County Planning and Economic Development.

Department:Make Macomb Your Home