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Senior Services hosts 31st annual Macomb County Senior Fun Festival

Hundreds of local seniors turned out for the 31st annual Senior Fun Festival hosted by the Macomb County Office of Senior Services on Thursday, October 20. The event, which was held at the Lorenzo Cultural Center at Macomb Community College, was the first festival since 2019. 

“Here in Macomb County, we value our senior citizens,” said Macomb County Executive Mark A. Hackel. “Our Senior Fun Festival is the perfect setting to connect with our seniors and ensure they are aware of all the programs and partners that are here to help them thrive in Macomb.” 

Senior Fun Fest attendees

Nearly 100 vendors who specialize in the needs of aging individuals were in attendance offering free health screenings, giveaways, entertainment and more.

The Office of Senior Services also ensured guests could learn more about the support and programs available to local seniors and caregivers.  

“Our goal is to help Macomb County residents age in place,” said Nicole Urban, program manager, Macomb County Office of Senior Services. “So often having just one or two services can make an impact for a senior to remain in their own home. Programs like Meals on Wheels, home care or transportation services, can make a world of difference for both the senior and their caregiver.”  Visit for more information.



Department:Planning and Economic Development