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How to host a job shadow experience

How to host a job shadow experience

As part of our Fueling the Talent Pipeline initiative, our department is in the midst of encouraging employers of all types to host a high school student for a “Job Shadow” experience. Lasting between four to eight hours, it enables students to see a “day in the life” in a career that they are interested in pursuing.

Our department recently hosted Salah, an 11th grader from Cousino High School who is enrolled in the MISD’s “Early College” program with an interest in communications, marketing and graphic design for an eight hour job shadow. She joined us on two Friday afternoons in four hour sessions.

On the first afternoon, all department staff were invited to a treat from Clementine’s Bakery. As we enjoyed our macaroons, we talked about the mission and purpose of our department and how each of our program areas work together to make Macomb County a great place call home and do business.  Next, Salah met individually with each of the Marketing & Communications team members to learn more about how their specific roles help to promote Macomb County.

“I was impressed by how interested she was in everything I showed her and the questions that she asked,” said Matt, senior communications specialist.

“Explaining my job and showing her the steps I take to develop something creative was a good reminder to me about why I love my job so much,” said Jen, graphic designer.

Salah also met one-on-one with Vicky Rowinski, department director. “It was so enlightening to meet Salah and hear her interests in exploring career opportunities. Her future is very bright,” said Vicky. "To any business considering the possibility of welcoming an eager young person into their workspace for a day, I say do it! The experience is so rewarding to understand the interests of the next generation workforce and how your recruitment methods will have to adapt to compete for this incoming talent.” 

We asked Salah to share how she felt about the experience as a way to encourage other employers to get involved. She said: “At first, I was extremely nervous to job shadow because I had never been to an actual workplace before. I calmed down when I saw how the Marketing & Communications team showed me their vigorous teamwork and how they truly loved their jobs. My sensational experience inspired me to get into marketing and to study graphic design some more. I highly suggest job shadowing here if you are unsure about or want to learn more about communications, marketing and graphic design.”

If your organization is interested in hosting a job shadow with a local student, we're here to help. Visit our Job Shadow 101 page to get more details and to sign up for an opportunity.

Department:Macomb Business